Update for October 5 – October 11, 2015
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News and Views
Disneyland hikes prices on Annual Passports | Using your new PhotoPass benefit | Just around the (new) river bend | 2015 Thanksgiving dining options | This and that… | Crowd Forecast
Disneyland hikes prices on Annual Passports
Over the weekend, Disneyland raised prices on annual passports for a second time in 2015, breaking the $1,000 barrier for the first time in the process. There was no change to single- or multi-day tickets, though parking rates went up.
Gone altogether is the Disneyland Premium pass, which used to be the highest-priced annual pass for the Disneyland Resort (and which had no blockout dates). In its place are two annual passes. The Disney Signature Plus Pass. is $1,049 for new customers (who are not renewing an AP), a jump of 35 percent compared to the pass it replaces. This pass includes parking, and comes with a new benefit: free digital downloads of PhotoPass photos taken by Disney photographers around the Disneyland Resort.
A second new pass option, the $849 Disney Signature Pass, also includes parking and PhotoPass downloads, but has 15 blockout dates over the winter holidays. For the 2015/2016 season, the dates are December 19 –31, 2015 and January 1 –2, 2016.
The $200 difference between the two passports makes plain the reason for this change—Disney is trying to throttle passholder attendance during the holiday season. Passholders who are willing to forego the two busiest weeks of the year can purchase the Disney Signature Pass for $70 more then the former Premium pass, and still receive free parking and the PhotoPass benefit. Those who really want to visit during the holiday season can pay the extra $200 for the added 15 days.
In a prepared statement, Disneyland Resort spokeswoman Suzi Brown said:
“In addition to our continued investment in the guest experience and the expansion of our parks, our new selection of annual passes will help us manage strong demand and continue to deliver a world-class experience, while providing more choices for guests to select the pass that best meets their needs.”
Last year, Disneyland halted sales of new Southern California annual passports, making them available only as a renewing option for those who already had one and wished to continue owning one. That policy continues, and passholders who have a Southern California pass may continue to renew it. That is not the case with the Premium passport, which Disney now refers to as a “legacy” pass. You cannot purchase or renew a Premium passport, even if you just received your renewal notice in the mail.
This change has frustrated some Premium passholders who expected Disney to honor the renewal offers just mailed out. Reader Steve Cormier was one of the Premium passholders who just received the renewal form, but was told Sunday morning that he could not renew as a Premium passholder. He posted via Twitter, “My complaint is they sent that notice knowing they won't honor it.” He said, “Love the mouse and understand the goal but they need to work in good faith.”
Passholders who have questions or concerns about their specific renewal situation should call the passholder hotline at (714) 781-7277.
Premium passholders who opt not to upgrade to the Signature Plus pass can still receive the “renewal” pricing on the Signature or Southern California Select pass. There is no reason for a Premium to downgrade to a Deluxe unless they do not want the parking benefit, as the Deluxe pass with parking is the same price as a Signature pass.
The good news for those who still have valid Premium passes is that there will be no change to your benefits or blockout dates before your expiration date. If your pass expires in February 2016, the blockout dates for the new Signature pass do not apply to you. They are completely different products, and the benefits do not transfer. This, of course, also means you won't be eligible for the PhotoPass downloads until and unless you upgrade to a Signature pass.
In February, Disney made the add-on parking pass a renewal-only option for passholders. The pass is now $199, or the equivalent to parking for 11 separate days. It is still available only for those who already purchased the parking pass for their existing annual passes. Parking congestion is often an issue at the Disneyland Resort, especially on days with high passholder attendance. The elimination of the parking pass may be Disney's best option to encourage passholders to carpool. One-day parking rates increased by $1 to $18.
In a possibly related move, Disney has made the first change to the Downtown Disney parking lot pricing structure since it opened in 2001. Parking has jumped to $12 per hour, up from $6 per hour, and the rate is calculated in 30-minute increments instead of 20-minute segments. The first two hours are free—a decrease from three free hours—but you can still receive two additional free hours with validation from a participating table service restaurant or the AMC theater.
In our experience, the Downtown Disney lot has become increasingly crowded on weekdays, especially now that new passholders are unable to purchase the parking pass. It seems that large numbers of passholders were parking in Downtown Disney while they popped into Disneyland for a few hours, avoiding the daily parking fee in the public lots. This change may address that issue, but the available four hours free parking (a decrease from five hours) makes it a tight squeeze for a dinner-and-a-movie night out in Downtown Disney.
Once again, this price increase came with no official warning from Disney. As we mentioned after February's increase, some saw the timing of the annual price hike as a sign that there will be a second price increase in 2015. The last time Disneyland raised tickets earlier than May was in 2006, which also happens to be the last time Disneyland had two price increases in the same year—January and September. 2015 marks Disneyland's 60th anniversary, and it's worth noting that Disneyland had dual increases during its 50th anniversary year in 2005 (January and June), as well as during the 45th anniversary celebration in 2000 (January and November).
A full breakdown of ticket prices are as follows, with the old prices and percentage increase in parentheses. Where available, we've listed the renewal price, and any discount offered to Disney Vacation Club members.
Annual Passes | New Purchase (old price in parentheses) |
Renewal | DVC New | DVC Renewal |
$1,439 (was $1,099, up 31%) |
$1,439 | $1,439 | $1,439 |
Disney Signature Plus Pass
$1049 (up 35% compared to former Premium pass) |
$989 | $1029 | $1029 |
Disney Signature Pass
$849 ($70 more than the former Premium pass) |
$799 | $829 | $829 |
Disney Deluxe Pass | $599 (was $549, up 9%) |
$599 | N/A | N/A |
Southern California Select | $329 (was $299, up 10%) |
$319 | N/A | N/A |
Annual Parking Pass – add-on to Deluxe or Southern California Select passes. Available only as a renewal; not available for new purchase. | N/A | $199 (was $169, up 18%) |
N/A | N/A |
“Legacy” Passes | Prices | |||
Premium – includes parking | N/A (was $779) |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
Southern California – available only as a renewal; not available for new purchase | N/A | $389 (was $379, up 3%) |
N/A | N/A |
If the sudden price hike on Disneyland Resort annual passports caught you by surprise, don't panic—there may be ways you can still save on your next pass.
I'm only listing legitimate discounts and options below—we don't condone ticket “sharing” here, so if that's the type of advice you're seeking, you'll have to look elsewhere. If you know of another offer, please let us know so we can share it with other readers.
Option | Description |
If your pass expires in October, you can still renew (some passes) at the lower price. | Passholders with October expiration dates can probably renew at the lower price provided you renew no later than 60 days after your pass expires. If you've already received your renewal paperwork by mail, renew online to receive the lower rate.
If you haven't yet received your paperwork but your pass expires in October, you should still be able to renew at the lower rate. Check the Disneyland passholder website – your renewal options should be presented once you log it. You can also call Disney's Annual Passholder hotline at (714) 781-7277 to ask about your specific situation. However, we have confirmed that Disney will not allow existing Premium passholders to renew that pass. The pass is now considered a “Legacy” product, and is not eligible for new purchases or renewals. Premium passholders receive the “renewal” pricing on the Signature or Southern California Select passes. |
Check your local grocery store or Disney store |
If your local grocery store or Disney store usually sells Disneyland annual passes, check with them to see if they have any at the old prices. It seems that they don't all get the memo the pull the old ticket stock the second Disneyland changes their prices, so you may have a one- or two-day window to hunt down a deal. Readers reported that several Disney Stores in Southern California had annual passport vouchers at the old prices on Sunday. |
Check with your local travel agent or AAA office, credit union, employee benefits office, school, etc. | In the past, travel agencies and ticket resellers could quietly continue to sell their remaining tickets at the old prices after a price change, while inventory lasted. If you work with a travel agent or AAA office that usually stocks Disneyland tickets, check with them. If you have a credit union, benefits office or student union, check with them to see if they have any offers for you. It often takes several days for the prices to update on the websites, so check as soon as possible. |
Using your new PhotoPass benefit
While some have scoffed at the addition of free PhotoPass digital downloads as a new benefit included with the priciest Disneyland annual passes, a source tells us this particular feature is often requested in passholder surveys. If you are already hold a Premier annual pass (valid at Disneyland and Walt Disney World), or have just purchased a new Signature or Signature Plus pass, you now have access to this new benefit.
That's right—existing Premier passholders have access to this new benefit today, without waiting to renew. Better yet, it appears the benefit extends to PhotoPass photos taken before the benefit became effective on October 4. We've been able to successfully link PhotoPass cards and download photos taken at Disneyland as far back as July 17, 2015, as well as download images and ride photos captured on Sunday, October 4.
There are three steps to accessing this benefit.
- Create your Disneyland.com account online at Disneyland.com/AP , or via the Disneyland mobile App. If using the mobile App., make sure you have the newest version – (v1.1).
- Take photos. There are now four ways to link the photos:
- Have the PhotoPass photographer scan your physical annual pass
- Have the PhotoPass photographer scan a new or existing PhotoPass card
- If you use the Disneyland mobile App., you can have the PhotoPass photographer scan the barcode that displays in the App.
- If you took a ride photo, write down the 8-digit photo ID that is shown on the photo preview
- View and download photos online. Once you get home, log in to your Disneyland.com account. Photos scanned to your annual pass or to the Disneyland mobile application should already be in your gallery. You can link any new PhotoPass cards or ride photo numbers. Then you can select the photos you like, and download them to your computer. Photos are archived for 365 days from the date taken, another major change to the offering.
As Disneyland extends this benefit to passholders, they have also increased the number of PhotoPass photographers in the parks, and added “roving” photographers who aren't necessarily tethered to a tripod. Roving photographers are in these locations:
Disneyland Park:
- New Orleans Square
- Frontierland
- Fantasyland
- Mickey's Towntown
- Matterhorn Bobsleds
- Splash Mountain
Disney California Adventure Park:
- Buena Vista Street
- Hollywood Land
- Cars Land
- Radiator Springs Racers
- Grizzly River Run
- Redwood Creek Challenge Trail
With Disney charging $14.95 per photo for digital downloads, this new benefit offers big savings to passholders who regularly purchased the photos. If you never used PhotoPass before, there's no reason not to try it now if it's included with the pass. However, the new benefit is so rife for abuse and fraud that we expect it to be modified in the near future.
Consider this: there appear to be no restrictions to how many PhotoPass cards a Premier or Signature passholder can link to their account, nor any rules about whose photos you can link to your card. So long as the photos are tied to a PhotoPass card, and not another annual pass, there's nothing to prevent a Premier or Signature passholder from linking the photos to their account. Say you are a Signature passholder and your relatives are in town – there's nothing to prevent you from linking their PhotoPass cards to your account and then downloading all of their vacations photos for them for free.
That's the abuse part – passholders using their benefit for friends and family without financial consideration. The fraud comes in when someone decides to monetize the new benefit. There are companies—plural—who make a business of reselling dining reservations at Walt Disney World. Is it any stretch to imagine someone will set up shop offering PhotoPass downloads to non-passholders at a discount?
Disney probably has some computerized triggers in place to catch rampant fraud, but it's going to happen on a smaller scale now that some people have a way to get for free what others must pay $15 bucks a pop for. For now, enjoy your new benefit.
Just around the (new) river bend
While there is never a good time to announce a price increase, it seems Disney either wanted to get all of the bad news over with before the holiday season began, or use the price increase as a way to shift focus from the other bombshell of last week.
Disney confirmed, via a response posted from their official Twitter account, that the Rivers of America would have a new course when it reopens in 2017. No additional details were shared, but this has implications for Tom Sawyer Island and the Disneyland Railroad.
David Koening wrote last week in his article, The Next Frontier:
Frontierland 2016 should revive some unpleasant memories for those who recall 2004, when Disneyland was turned into one giant construction zone with workers scrambling to fix up the neglected in time for the 50th anniversary celebration.
As soon as Disneyland closes for the evening on January 10, 2016, the construction walls will start going up, boarding off the back section of Frontierland to make way for the new Star Wars Land. First, the backstage Circle D Ranch and (hazardous) waste and recycling center will have to be relocated, followed by land clearing, so groundbreaking on new construction can begin no later than the start of 2017.
The primary obstacle to work around will be the Disneyland Railroad, which currently passes right through the middle of the new land and will have to be shut down for at least into 2017 to reconstruct its route and presumably build a tunnel so it doesn't distract from the Star Wars theme.
In addition, the Rivers of America and all of its entertainment will be closed nearly all of next year, as well.
“Circle D and the disposal area are right on the other side of the berm near the Rivers of America entry point,” explained one cast member. “Access to the River will be severely restricted because the main entry point crosses the train tracks behind the Festival Arena. Behind the Arena is the drydocks for all the Fantasmic floats and support boats. It also has a slipway for anything that needs to be pulled out of the water.”
Consequently, the loss of ride capacity will be severe: Disneyland Railroad (loss in hourly capacity of approximately 2,500), Mark Twain (about 1,200), Sailing Ship Columbia (900), Tom Sawyer Island/rafts (800), canoes (600), and Fantasmic (5,000+ per showing).
2015 Thanksgiving dining options
The Disney Parks Blog posted a list of options for your Thanksgiving meal at the Disneyland Resort, starting with the Disneyland Hotel's traditional buffet. That meal is now completely sold out, but there are lots of other offerings at various table-service and buffet locations around the Resort.
We've rounded out the Parks Blog list with pricing information about the options which require reservations, to help you make an informed choice. Call (714) 781-3463 to make reservations, or follow the links below to book online at the Disneyland website. Remember that all reservations require a credit card guarantee.
Location | Price | Description |
Disneyland Park | ||
Carnation Café | $16.49 |
Slow-roasted turkey with turkey-bourbon gravy, mashed sweet potatoes, apple-cranberry stuffing, cranberry-orange relish, veggies, and a dinner roll. |
River Belle Terrace “Fantasmic!” Dinner | $41.99 |
Slow-roasted turkey breast with stuffing, roasted garlic-thyme mashed potatoes, home-style gravy, veggies, cornbread, and cranberry relish. |
Blue Bayou Restaurant | $35.99 |
Slow-roasted turkey roulade with focaccia stuffing, roasted garlic, Yukon Gold mashed potatoes, Cognac turkey gravy, and cranberry relish. |
$19.99 | Slow-roasted turkey breast with cornbread and giblet stuffing, red skin mashed potatoes, veggies, home-style gravy, and cranberry relish. | |
Disney California Adventure Park | ||
Carthay Circle Restaurant | $62* |
Receive a voucher for “World of Color” preferred viewing with your choice of Carthay Circle Salad with heirloom apples, roasted walnuts, winter greens, bacon, dates and creamy citrus vinaigrette or Cinderella Pumpkin Broth with lemongrass-cilantro grilled chicken, caramelized onion and Tuscan kale. Entrée added: grilled Sierra free-range turkey with a Poblano chile and mushroom tamale, and creamed corn with turkey jus. Dessert, also a la carte, is crunchy butterscotch pie with cashews, holiday Chantilly and caramel. *Entree is also available without the World of Color package for $36 |
Wine Country Trattoria: | $27.99 |
Herb-roasted turkey breast with Yukon Gold mashed potatoes, herb focaccia stuffing, seasonal vegetables and orange-cranberry sauce. Also pumpkin pie. |
Ariel's Grotto | $42.99 ($21.99 ages 3–9) | Slow-roasted turkey breast with turkey gravy, apple stuffing, orange-cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and veggies (includes voucher for “World of Color” preferred viewing). |
Disney's Grand Californian Hotel & Spa | ||
Storytellers Café: | $31.99 ($16.99 ages 3–9) |
Dinner buffet with salads and fresh fruit, roasted corn chowder, hand-carved turkey with gravy and cranberry sauce, hand-carved beef, pan-seared salmon, pork loin, candied yams, sourdough bread stuffing, Yukon Gold mashed potatoes, green beans. Also holiday desserts include pumpkin and pecan pies, bread pudding with vanilla sauce, chocolate pate, dulce de leche pot de crème. |
Napa Rose | $100 per person, wine flight additional. | Chef Andrew Sutton's Four-Course Wine Country Feast (wine flight also available); reservations and information, (714) 300-7170. |
Disneyland Hotel | ||
Steakhouse 55: | $46 |
Goofy's Kitchen: | Dinner: $39.99 ($22.99 ages 3–9) Brunch: $33.99 ($22.99 ages 3–9) |
Turkey and herb stuffing will be added to the buffet brunch, along with turkey gravy, sweet potatoes and tortellini with pumpkin cream sauce. |
Disney's Paradise Pier Hotel | ||
Disney's PCH Grill: | $32.99 ($18.99 ages 3–9) |
Dinner Buffet. Cold selections include salads, heirloom tomato-mozzarella topped with creamy pesto & aged balsamic reduction, roasted potato salad with creamy mustard dressing. Hot selections include fried chicken, roasted sustainable fish, sausage and herb stuffing, roasted garden vegetables, mini smashed potatoes with cheddar cheese, spice-rubbed pork shoulder. On the carving station, herb-marinated roast and oven-roasted turkey breast are served with beef au jus, creamy horseradish, cranberry relish and brown gravy. Traditional holiday desserts include pumpkin pie, chocolate pecan pie, apple pie, chestnut-apricot flight, vanilla caramel and cranberry jelly, molten chocolate hazelnut crumb cake. Note: Disney characters will not be in attendance for Thanksgiving meals served at Storytellers Café and Disney's PCH Grill. |
Join Team MousePlanet for the 25th Anniversary CHOC WalkAs of October 4, we've raised $4,180 for the 2015 CHOC WalkThe 2015 CHOC Walk in the Park, an annual fundraiser for Children's Hospital Orange County, is Sunday, October 11 at the Disneyland Resort. Team MousePlanet is back for our eighth consecutive year at the walk, and we invite all MousePlanet readers, friends and family members to join our team for the event. For more information about the event, and the benefits of joining Team MousePlanet, visit our MousePad discussion forum. We look forward to welcoming you to our team. 2015 CHOC-tober ticket promotionEach walker who raises at least $65 in the 2015 CHOC Walk can purchase up to five discounted tickets following the event. The tickets are valid starting October 11, 2015, and must by used by November 6, 2015.
Tickets may only be purchased in person at the Disneyland Resort following the CHOC Walk. There is a limit of 5 tickets per wristband, and each eligible walker must be present to show their wristband and purchase tickets. |
This and that…
…All of the remaining Mickey's Halloween Party events are sold out. We detail legitimate ways you may be able to purchase tickets to the sold-out events in our article, “Making the Most of Mickey's Halloween Party.” Before you turn to Craigslist, StubHub or eBay (all of which bring with them the very high risk of being defrauded), check there for official ways you may still be able to buy legitimate party tickets directly from Disney.
…The official Disneyland app was updated this weekend with some new features requested by users, (including our own Lani Teshima, who reviewed the launch version). The app now includes the Fastpass return time window for any given attraction, to let you know what return time is being issued at any moment. This is a nice feature, and prevents you from walking all the way over to get a Fastpass for Indiana Jones Adventure, just to discover you couldn't use it anyway because it falls during your dinner reservation.
The update notes also say the app now allows you to filter attraction search results by age and height, which is a useful tool for families or groups looking to see which rides everyone can enjoy together. Upgrade to version 1.1 to get these new features.
…The MousePlanet Newsletter is here! The newsletter contains a recap of the week's articles (in case you miss a day), news that may have developed since the weekly Updates were published, and tips about what's happening at the Disney theme parks for the coming weekend. We'll also include a fun MouseAdventure bonus, such as an Eye Spy or a trivia question. To subscribe to our free newsletter, just enter your e-mail in the box below.
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Crowd Forecast
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Current Refurbishments and Attraction Closures
Note: Not all of attraction closures have been officially confirmed by Disney, and are all subject to change at any time. Refurbishment schedules are estimates only. We recommend checking for updates as you plan your visit. All information is subject to change without notice. To get the most recent updates, visit Disneyland.com – this information is no longer available from the automated phone service.
- Tomorrowland Theater (Captain EO) – reopens November 16 as part of the Season of the Force promotion.
- Starcade – closed for renovation; reopening date TBD.
- Innoventions – reopens November 16 as the Tomorrowland Expo Center.
- “it's a small world” – closed October 19 through November 5 for installation of the holiday overlay.
- Jungle Cruise – closes November 2 for installation of the Jungle Cruise overlay. May be closed through November 12.
- Space Mountain – closes November 2 to remove the Ghost Galaxy overlay, and install the HyperSpace Mountain overlay. May be closed through November 15.
Disney California Adventure
- Turtle Talk with Crush – closed October 12–29 for refurbishment.
- Blue Sky Cellar – closed; reopening date now TBD.
- Luigi's Flying Tires – closed. Ride to be removed and replaced; reopening date unknown.
- Muppet*Vision 3D – closed indefinitely due to the Frozen Fun overlay.
- Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular – closes January 10, 2016. Replaced in Summer 2016 by a new Frozen musical.
Resort Events
Check here to see if a large convention, competition, or park event might fall during your next trip to the Disneyland Resort. If you know of any in-park events, official or unofficial, that should be listed here, please send us an e-mail (link).
- Disneyland Resort Diamond Celebration – through September 5, 2016
- Halloween Time – through November 1.
- Mickey's Halloween Party – October 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, and 31. Tickets are sold out for all events.
- 2015 CHOC Walk in the Park – Sunday, October 11 at the Disneyland Resort. Registration is now open via the event website. MousePlanet readers, friends, and family are invited to register with Team MousePlanet and walk with our group.
- Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade taping at the Disneyland Resort – November 6–8. Taping of the West Coast portions of the Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade. The performances are usually taped on Friday and Saturday, with Sunday reserved as a back-up day in case of weather. Filming is always subject to change without notice; do not make a special trip just to see the filming.
- 2015 Avengers Half Marathon Weekend – November 12–15. Most events are sold out, but space remains in the half-marathon race. Details on the runDisney website. Infinity Gauntlet Challenge – If you missed registering for this challenge (in which you complete Saturday's 10K and Sunday's half-marathon to earn a third challenge medal), official spots are still available through Team Muscle Makers for Ullrich Congenital Muscular Dystrophy, one of the charity fundraiser groups officially recognized by runDisney. You have until October 11 to contact them at info@tmm4ucmd.com.
- Holidays at the Disneyland Resort – November 13 through January 6.
- Season of the Force – begins November 16. No end date yet announced.
- Candlelight Processional – December 5–6. Performances times and narrator(s) have not yet been announced.
- Disneyland Resort Diamond Celebration – through September 5, 2016
- 2016 Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend – January 14–17. All running events are sold out, but ChEAR Squad packages are still available. Details on the runDisney website.
- 2016 Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend – May 5–8. The 5K and 10K events are sold out, but the half-marathon and Pixie Dust Challenge are still available. Details on the runDisney website.
- Dapper Days at the Parks (unofficial event) – Sunday, May 1, 2016. More information at the event website.
- 2016 Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend – September 1–4.
We also recommend checking the convention calendar at the Anaheim/Orange County Visitor and Convention Bureau website. When looking at that site, remember to note both the number of people and the number of rooms resulting from each convention. A gathering of 25,000 people booking few room nights (indicating most will be driving in to the area for their meeting) can impact traffic around the resort much more than a crowd of 25,000 staying in area hotels. Of course, that second group is going to make finding a hotel room more difficult (and possibly more expensive), so it's best to book your own room as early as possible if you see that a big convention is in town during your trip.
School Holidays
Notable school holidays that may impact park attendance. If you know of any other holidays that should be listed here, please send us an e-mail (link).
- Hawaii public schools Fall Break – October 5–9.
- Utah Education Association convention (UEA, a.k.a. “Utah Escapes to Anaheim”) – October 15–16. Expect unusually large attendance levels October 16–20 as Utah students and families take advantage of a 4-day weekend created by their school's participation in a state education convention. Not all Utah schools or teachers close for or attend UEA, but the impact on the resort is usually noticeable enough to mention.
- Nevada Day (observed) – Friday, October 30. A school holiday for our neighbors to the northeast creates a 3-day weekend and usually adds to the Halloween weekend crowds.
- Thanksgiving Break – November 23–27. Many local schools close for the entire week of Thanksgiving.
- Winter Break – December 21, 2015 – January 8, 2016. Most local schools are closed.
- Spring Break(s) – March 14 – April 8. Most local schools are closed one week during this period. Expect the majority of school closures—and crowds—the weeks immediately before and after Easter Sunday, March 27.
- Local School Holiday – Monday, March 28. Most local schools not already on Spring Break will be closed for Cesar Chavez Day.
- Nevada Day (observed) – Friday, October 28. A school holiday for our neighbors to the northeast creates a 3-day weekend and usually adds to the Halloween weekend crowds. Some Nevada schools take the entire week off as a Fall Break.
- Utah Education Association convention (UEA, a.k.a. “Utah Escapes to Anaheim”) – October 20–21. Expect unusually large attendance levels October 19–23 as Utah students and families take advantage of a 4-day weekend created by their school's participation in a state education convention. Not all Utah schools or teachers close for or attend UEA, but the impact on the resort is usually noticeable enough to mention.
- Thanksgiving Break – November 21–25. Many local schools close for the entire week of Thanksgiving.
- Winter Break – December 19, 2016 – January 6, 2017. Most schools close only two of these three weeks, but some districts close all three weeks due to the Saturday Christmas.
Merchandise Events
Date | Event |
Oct 9 (F) | WonderGround Gallery – Artist Showcase: Miss Mindy, 6:30–10 p.m. |
Oct 10 (Sa) |
WonderGround Gallery – Artist Showcase:
Oct 16 (F) |
China Closet – Artist Showcase: Precious Moments artist Linda Rick, noon to 10 p.m. WonderGround Gallery – Artist Showcase: Miss Mindy, 6:30–10 p.m. |
Oct 17 (Sa) |
Disneyana – Book Signing: Don Hahn and Tracey Miller-Zarneke, 9–11 a.m. China Closet – Artist Showcase: Precious Moments artist Linda Rick, noon to 10 p.m. WonderGround Gallery: – Artist Showcase:
Oct 18 (S) |
China Closet – Artist Showcase: Precious Moments artist Linda Rick, noon to 10 p.m. WonderGround Gallery – Artist Showcase: Hero Handmade Goods, 2–5 p.m. |
Oct 19 (M) | China Closet – Artist Showcase: Precious Moments representatives, noon to 10 p.m. |
Oct 20 (T) | China Closet – Artist Showcase: Precious Moments representatives, noon to 10 p.m. |
Oct 21 (W) | China Closet – Artist Showcase: Precious Moments representatives, noon to 10 p.m. |
Oct 22 (Th) | China Closet – Artist Showcase: Precious Moments representatives, noon to 10 p.m. |
Oct 23 (F) |
China Closet – Artist Showcase: Precious Moments artist Linda Rick, noon to 10 p.m. WonderGround Gallery – Artist Showcase: Miss Mindy, 6:30–10 p.m. |
Oct 24 (Sa) |
China Closet – Artist Showcase: Precious Moments artist Linda Rick, noon to 10 p.m. WonderGround Gallery – Artist Showcase:
Oct 25 (S) |
China Closet – Artist Showcase: Precious Moments artist Linda Rick, noon to 10 p.m. WonderGround Gallery – Artist Showcase: Haunted Memories artist Eddie Allen, 2–5 p.m. |
Oct 30 (F) | WonderGround Gallery – Artist Showcase: Miss Mindy, 6:30–10 p.m. |
Current Discounts & Promotions
Disneyland prices as of October 4, 2015.
Note: MousePlanet does not edit past Updates to reflect price increases; for up-to-date prices, check the most recent Disneyland Resort Update. Several current promotions offer discounted admission to the Disneyland Resort. For your convenience, we have grouped the discount offers based on the number of days the tickets are valid. Check out the category that best matches the amount of time you plan to spend at the resort, and pick the offer that works best for you. And keep those tips coming—let us know if you find a better or different offer, so we can share it with other readers!
This first section is a list of discounts on ticket-only purchases. Though it has become more common in recent years, Disneyland tickets are rarely offered at deep discounts unless you are a resident of Southern California or Northern Mexico. For residents outside that area, the best discounts available tend to be simple advance purchase discounts. If you know of any additional discounts, offers, promotions, or contests that should be listed in this section, drop us a line. Note, we are no longer listing offers from the Anaheim-Orange County Visitor & Convention Bureau, as their convenience fee negates any savings.
Don't get scammed! Never buy tickets from an unofficial or secondary outlet, such as through eBay or Craigslist. Never rent or purchase tickets from people approaching you outside the gates stating they have remaining days or leftover tickets. This practice is against the terms of use for Disneyland admission, and may result in denial of entry. It is also common for criminals to shoplift inactivated Disney theme park tickets from supermarkets to resell them. There is no way to determine if these tickets are valid until you try to use them to enter the parks. Only purchase Disney theme park tickets directly from Disney, an authorized seller, or travel agency.
One Day, One Park Ticket – Regularly $99/$93
One Day Park Hopper – Regularly $155/$149 |
CHOC-tober one-day, one-park ticket – $51 A discounted price available to participants in the 2015 CHOC Walk, an annual fundraiser for Children's Hospital Orange County. The 2015 event is Sunday, October 11. Each walker who raises at least $65 can purchase up to five discounted tickets following the event. The tickets are valid starting October 11, 2015, and must by used by November 6, 2015. For this 25th Anniversary event, CHOC has raised the minimum fund-raising commitment. There is no charge to register for the walk, but walkers (ages 3 and up) must commit to raise $65 before the event. We invite MousePlanet readers, friends, and family members to join our team for the event. No discounts currently available to the general public. Check with your employer, school or credit union to see if any discounts are available through them. |
Two Day, One Park per Day Ticket – Regularly $185/$172
Two Day Park Hopper – Regularly $225/$212 |
No discounts currently available to the general public. Check with your employer, school or credit union to see if any discounts are available through them. |
Three Day, One Park per Day Ticket – Regularly $235/$224 Three Day Park Hopper – Regularly $275/$264 |
Adults at Kids' Prices Three Day Park Hopper Bonus Ticket – $264 A discounted ticket available through MousePlanet travel partner Get Away Travel. Offer valid for travel during September and November 2015. Bonus Tickets include one Magic Morning early entry which allows access to select areas of Disneyland Park one hour before the park opens to the general public. (subject to change without notice) Ticket expires 13 days after first use. See Get Away Travel website for offer details and restrictions. No discounts currently available to the general public. Check with your employer, school or credit union to see if any discounts are available through them. |
2014–2015 Disney Military Promotional 3–Day Park Hopper Ticket ($132) 2016 Disney Military Promotional 3–Day Park Hopper Ticket ($143) |
2014–2015 Disney Military Promotional 3–Day Park Hopper Ticket ($132) A discounted price offered to Eligible Service Members or their spouses. The 2014–2015 U.S. Armed Forces discount is valid through October 3, 2015. Under this program, active and retired U.S. military personnel can purchase Disney Military Promotional 3-Day Park Hopper Tickets for $132 each. For the purpose of this offer, Disney defines “Eligible Service Members” as active or retired members of the U.S. military, including the National Guard, Reservists, and the U.S. Coast Guard. Valid military identification will be required for purchase. This discount is available at MWR/ITT offices at your military base or other at participating U.S. military sales outlets. The tickets are not available for sale at the Disneyland Resort ticket booths. The price is the same for adults and children, and total of six tickets may be purchased per military member, regardless of who purchases the tickets (the member or their spouse). Disney has also clarified that the “Military member (or spouse) must accompany the persons using these tickets for Theme Park admission,” which means you can not purchase these tickets and give them to someone who will be visiting without you present. Unlike past years, this ticket is not blocked out on the 4th of July. As far as we can tell, there is no “fuse” on this ticket, so you may have more than the standard 13 days from first use to use the remaining two admissions, but we highly recommend you contact your base MWR/ITT office for more details before making travel plans. Please note that this ticket is not a “bonus” ticket, and so does not include an early admission day. For complete information regarding Disney Military Promotional 3-Day Park Hopper Tickets and discounted resort rates, military personnel may visit the Disneyland Resort website, or participating U.S. military base ticket offices. 2016 Disney Military Promotional 3–Day Park Hopper Ticket ($143) From October 12, 2015 through December 16, 2016, active and retired U.S. military personnel (including active and retired members of the United States Coast Guard, National Guard and Reservists) or their spouses can purchase:
Disneyland tickets may be used January 3, 2016, through December 19, 2016, except that the tickets may not be used March 20, 2016 April 1, 2016. For complete information regarding Disney Military Promotional 3-Day Park Hopper Tickets and discounted resort rates, military personnel may visit the Disneyland Resort website, or participating U.S. military base ticket offices. |
Four Day, One Park per Day Ticket – Regularly $260/$245 Four Day Park Hopper – Regularly $300/$285 |
Adults at Kids' Prices Four Day Park Hopper Bonus Ticket – $285 A discounted ticket available through MousePlanet travel partner Get Away Travel. Offer valid for travel during September and November 2015. Bonus Tickets include one Magic Morning early entry which allows access to select areas of Disneyland Park one hour before the park opens to the general public. (subject to change without notice) Ticket expires 13 days after first use. See Get Away Travel website for offer details and restrictions. No discounts currently available to the general public. Check with your employer, school or credit union to see if any discounts are available through them. |
Five Day, One Park per Day Ticket – Regularly $275/$259 Five Day Park Hopper – Regularly $315/$299 |
Adults at Kids' Prices Five Day Park Hopper Bonus Ticket – $299 A discounted ticket available through MousePlanet travel partner Get Away Travel. Offer valid for travel during September and November 2015. Bonus Tickets include one Magic Morning early entry which allows access to select areas of Disneyland Park one hour before the park opens to the general public. (subject to change without notice) Ticket expires 13 days after first use. See Get Away Travel website for offer details and restrictions. Five Days for the price of Four Park Hopper Bonus Ticket – $300/$285 A discounted ticket available through MousePlanet travel partner Get Away Travel. The first day of use must occur on or before December 31, 2015. Bonus Tickets include one Magic Morning early entry which allows access to select areas of Disneyland Park one hour before the park opens to the general public. (subject to change without notice) Ticket expires 13 days after first use. See Get Away Travel website for offer details and restrictions. No discounts currently available to the general public. Check with your employer, school or credit union to see if any discounts are available through them. |
Six Day or longer tickets | No longer offered by Disneyland; some travel providers may offer tickets for 6 days or longer as part of a package to international customers; residents of Canada, Australia, or the U.K. should check with local travel agencies to see what options may be available. | |
Disneyland Resort Annual Passports |
California residents can take advantage of the monthly payment plan when purchasing any but the Premier Annual Passport.
Check with your employer, school or credit union to see if any other discounts are available through them. |
2015 Southern California CityPASS $334/$291
2015 Southern California CityPASS ($334/$291) – includes a 3-Day Disneyland Resort Park Hopper Bonus Ticket (including one early-entry day), a one-day admission to Sea World San Diego, and a one-day admission to LEGOLAND California. The CityPASS expires 14 days after first use at any location, and the first use must occur by December 31, 2015. Purchase CityPASS through the Disneyland website or on-site at the ticket booths of Disneyland Resort or the other theme parks included in the pass. You can also purchase directly from the CityPASS website, though a shipping charge may apply depending on how quickly you need the ticket. 2015 Southern California CityPASS through Get Away Today ($324/$281) – Save $10 per ticket when you purchase your City Pass through MousePlanet travel partner Get Away Travel, though a shipping charge may apply depending on how quickly you need the ticket. When you purchase the CityPASS, you have the option of adding a one-day admission to either San Diego Zoo or San Diego Safari Park for an extra $48/$38. This upgraded pass is only available for purchase directly from the CityPASS website Prices listed above are valid until December 31, 2015 Check with your employer, school or credit union to see if any other discounts are available through them. |
Disneyland Resort & Universal Studios Combo Pass |
2-day Disneyland Resort + 2-Day Universal Studios Combo Pass – $300/$281 A special combo ticket available exclusively through MousePlanet travel partner Get Away Travel. The bundle includes either a 2-day or 3-day Disneyland Resort Park Hopper Ticket, plus a 2nd Day Free Universal Studios Hollywood Ticket. |
Other Discounts
Did we miss an offer? If you know of an authorized discount on Disneyland Resort tickets, standing offers for Annual Passholders from non-Disney vendors, or other promotions which might interest our readers, please drop us a note!
Discounts for everyone |
Purchase with Purchase offers – Disneyland Resort shops frequently offer a reduced–price souvenir (often a tote bag, watch, or blanket) with a qualifying minimum purchase. These are offered at Disney-operated stores only, and selection may vary by location. Recently, Disney has begun allowing customers to purchase more than one of the offers in a qualifying transaction, so if you spend $40 or more you can buy both items currently available if you wish. If you're a passholder, the minimum purchase is calculated after your discount, and your discount does not apply to the promotional item. Current offers:
Landry's Select Club – members of the Landry's Select Club get priority seating at the Rainforest Cafe when available (which makes a huge difference on busy days). This club replaces the former Rainforest Cafe Safari Club, and runs on a point-based system that gives you a $25 gift certificate after you spend $250. Membership now costs $25, but comes with a $25 birthday reward. We recommend that you prepurchase your membership before your visit so you can take advantage of the priority seating benefit. ESPNZone MVP Club – membership in the MVP Club does not offer any discounts on food. However, once a member you can make an online reservation for your party up to three days in advance and will get a 25 percent increase in points purchased when playing games in the Sports Arena (and 40 bonus points at activation). You must register online and your membership card will then be mailed to you within two weeks. The card must then be activated at any ESPNZone by the person who signed up for the card and ID will be required (link). Character Dining Vouchers – discounted character dining vouchers are available for purchase online, in advance of your trip, through Get Away Travel. |
Discounts for Annual Passholders |
Disneyland Resort merchandise – Disneyland extended the 20 percent merchandise discount offered to Premium annual passholders through December 31, 2015. All other passholders receive a 10% merchandise discount. Visit the Annual Passholder discount page for specific details and exclusions. Guided Tours – 15% off the regular price of 6 guided tours – Walt in Walt's Footsteps; Cultivating the Magic; Discover the Magic; Happiest Haunts; Welcome to Disneyland; and Holiday Time at Disneyland. Visit the Annual Passholder discount page for specific details and exclusions. Dining – 10 to 15% off at a variety of Disneyland Resort locations, including Disney-owned and independent restaurants. Visit the Annual Passholder discount page for specific details and exclusions. |
Discounts for Disney Visa cardholders |
Character Meet-and-Greet – cardholders have access to a private character meet-and-greet photo opportunity at Disney California Adventure, and receive one free 5″x7″ photograph per visit. Disneyland Resort merchandise – Cardholders also receive 10 percent off qualifying merchandise purchases of $50 or more from Disney-operated retail stores. Disneyland Resort dining – 10 percent off at selected Disneyland Resort restaurants, (Big Thunder Ranch, River Belle Terrace, French Market, Cocina Cucamonga, Wine Country Trattoria (lunch), Paradise Garden Grill, The Lounge at Steakhouse 55 (breakfast), Steakhouse 55 (breakfast), PCH Grill (breakfast and dinner), and Storyteller's Café (lunch). Downtown Disney District dining and merchandise – 10 percent off at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen (maximum discount of $40, excludes alcohol), Wetzel's Pretzels, Ridemakerz, Alamo Rent a Car, and ESPN Zone. 15 percent off littlemissmatched purchases. Disneyland Resort Guided Tours – 15 percent off the “Welcome to Disneyland,” “A Walk in Walt's Footsteps,” “Discover the Magic,” and “Cultivating the Magic” guided tours. See the Disney Visa website for terms and conditions for all of these promotions. |
Hotel and travel package offers |
Costco Travel Packages – many different travel packages including visits to Disneyland and Disneyland hotels are available through Costco. Disney's Resort Magic and Good Neighbor Magic Packages – package includes accommodations in one of the three resort hotels or at one of 40 Good Neighbor hotels; Souvenir Park Hopper ticket with voucher for admission to Mickey's Toontown Morning Madness, plus one Magic Morning (early entry) for three-day or longer Park Hoppers; preferred seating at three DCA attractions (Disney's Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular, Muppet*Vision 3D, It's Tough to be a Bug!); preferred showing of Turtle Talk With Crush (priority viewing at the first Turtle Talk With Crush show of the day, on any one day—one voucher per guest); Disney Dream coin keepsake (one per package), luggage tag and lanyard with pin; a Downtown Disney Fun Card; and a “Character Call” from Mickey, Minnie, Goofy or Crush. Contact Disney Travel or your favorite travel agent. |
Discounts for U.S. military |
See “2014–2015 Disney Military Promotional 3–Day Park Hopper Ticket ($132)” above. |
Discounts for Southern California residents | No discounts currently available to the general public. Check with your employer, school or credit union to see if any discounts are available through them. |
Park Schedule/Blockout Dates
- DL – Disneyland
- DCA – Disney California Adventure
Annual Pass blockouts:
- SL – Southern California Select Annual Pass
- SC – Southern California Annual Pass
- DX – Deluxe Annual Pass
Early Admission – full description available on the Disneyland website):
- MM – Magic Mornings for 3-plus day ticket holders, promotional “bonus” tickets, and Southern California CityPASS
- EMH – Extra Magic Hour for Disneyland Resort Hotel Guests
- EA – Early Admission for Annual Passholders (not currently offered)
Disneyland Resort Special Events:
- GN – Grad Nite.
- MA – MouseAdventure (www.mouseadventure.com)
- MHP – Mickey's Halloween Party at Disneyland. 2015 dates: September 25, 28 and 30; October 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 and 31.
10/4 | 10/5 | 10/6 | 10/7 | 10/8 | 10/9 | 10/10 |
DL: 8a-12a DCA: 8a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-6p DCA: 8a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 8a-11p DCA: 8a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-6p DCA: 8a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 8a-12a DCA: 8a-9p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-7p DCA: 8a-12a AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 8a-12a DCA: 8a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
10/11 | 10/12 | 10/13 | 10/14 | 10/15 | 10/16 | 10/17 |
DL: 10a-12a DCA: 10a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: CHOC Walk |
DL: 8a-6p DCA: 8a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 9a-11p DCA: 9a-9p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-6p DCA: 8a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 8a-12a DCA: 8a-9p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-7p DCA: 8a-12a AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 8a-12a DCA: 8a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
10/18 | 10/19 | 10/20 | 10/21 | 10/22 | 10/23 | 10/24 |
DL: 8a-12a DCA: 8a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-6p DCA: 8a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 8a-8p DCA: 8a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 9a-10p DCA: 9a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-6p DCA: 8a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 8a-7p DCA: 8a-12a AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 8a-12a DCA: 8a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
10/25 | 10/26 | 10/27 | 10/28 | 10/29 | 10/30 | 10/31 |
DL: 8a-6p DCA: 8a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 10a-9p DCA: 8a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-6p DCA: 8a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 10a-9p DCA: 9a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-6p DCA: 8a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
DL: 8a-12a DCA: 8a-12a AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-7p DCA: 8a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: MHP |
11/1 | 11/2 | 11/3 | 11/4 | 11/5 | 11/6 | 11/7 |
DL: 8a-12a DCA: 8a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 10a-9p DCA: 10a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 10a-9p DCA: 10a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 10a-9p DCA: 10a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 10a-9p DCA: 10a-8p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 9a-12a DCA: 9a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
DL: 8a-12a DCA: 8a-10p AP Blockouts: Events: None |
Visit our Annual Passholders Blockout Dates page to see more dates. You can see future calendar schedules at Disneyland. As always, specifics are subject to change without notice (or occasionally, without us noticing) so when information conflicts between what is presented here and that presented by Disney, it is best to assume Disney's information is correct. Visit the Park Hours section of our Disneyland Park guide for additional details about Magic Morning and Toontown Morning Madness, including available attractions. Entertainment schedule: Go directly to the Disneyland Resort schedule for this week at Disneyland.com here.
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