The MovieHerbie: Fully Loaded stars Lindsay Lohan as Maggie Peyton, an
The GoodiesI expected to see a retrospective on past Herbie films in the bonus features, Deleted Scenes (11:47)This is a good collection of scenes, complete with editing and sound, Alternate Title Opening (3:26)This clip is presented in storyboard form with background music and is
BloopersThe bloopers section mainly consists of Lohan blowing her lines and squealing Music and MoreOne music video barely qualifies under the title “Music and More” Backstage DisneyA Day at the Races (13:54) This section features interviews with Lohan, Matt Dillon, and other cast “Breaking the Rules: Stunts from Herbie: Fully Loaded” (9:05) This section concentrates on the scene with Herbie at the Demolition “Bringing Herbie to Life” (11:40) Robinson wanted to keep the same look that Herbie had in previous movies Audio Commentary by Director Angela Robinson One of the mysteries of Herbie: Fully Loaded is why Angela Robinson The Video, Audio and InterfaceInterfaceThe main menu features an animated Herbie speeding across the screen
Audio and VideoThe movie is presented in Dolby Digital 5.1 and sounds crisp and clear. The Final EvaluationCompared to some of the bare bones DVDs released by Disney recently, |