– Wade explores the history of
Robert Jaffray Did Not Create Epcot
– Wade corrects a common Internet misconception about the genesis of Epcot.
Walt’s Favorite Teacher: Daisy Beck
– Wade remembers Walt’s favorite teacher.
Another Word From Walt
– Wade shares more hidden quotes from Walt Disney.
Walt Disney’s Stamp of Approval
– Wade remembers the very first Walt Disney Postage Stamp.
The Secret Origin of Space Mountain
– Wade looks at how Space Mountain came to be.
Jack Valenti Celebrates Disneyland’s Birthday
– Wade looks at Jack Valenti’s tribute to Disneyland, and his unusual connection to Walt.
Orange Thoughts of an Orange Bird
– Wade explores a Disney character lost to today’s generation.
A Salute to Club 55
– 52 years later, Wade remembers those who helped bring Disneyland to life for the first time.
Horsing Around With Walt and Polo
– Wade looks Walt’s forgotten passion: Polo.