– Jim checks out three special pieces that helped add to the story of the boy who never grew up.
Disney History
The Playing Card Characters in Alice in Wonderland
– Jim shuffles the deck on these Wonderland supporting characters.
What Is A Fifinella?
– Jim reveals the story behind the female ‘gremlins’ in the Disney comics.
Walt Kelly and the Disney Gremlins
– Jim goes behind the paintbrush for more stories from the Disney Comic Books.
The Charlie Chaplin Connection Part Two: Mickey as Chaplin
– Jim explores the link between the Little Tramp and Walt’s creation.
The Charlie Chaplin Connection Part One: Walt As Chaplin
– Jim looks at the time Uncle Walt became The Little Tramp
Walt Never Said It
– Jim reflects on the misquotes attributed to Uncle Walt.
The Story Behind Seal Island
– Jim takes a look at Disney’s first True-Life Adventure film.
Tales of Walt’s Peter Pan
Cypress Gardens: The Disney Connection
– Jim looks back at how the Florida attraction welcomed, and influenced, the Disney park.