Talking Mickey Mouse With Dave Smith
– In honor of Mickey Mouse’s 87th birthday, Jim looks back on an interview with the Disney archivist.
Secret History of the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights
– Take a walk with Jim behind the scenes of the Studios’ holiday treat.
Disney Legend Bob Matheison Shares Some Stories Part Two
– Jim looks back at the man who helped strategize parks on both coasts and shares stories about working with Walt.
Disney Legend Bob Matheison Shares Some Stories Part One
Meeting John Lasseter 1997
– Jim looks back on a time he met the Disney Company’s chief creative officer.
In Praise of Ron Miller
– Jim tips a hat to Walt’s son-in-law, and former CEO and president of the Disney Company
Walt Battles the Communists: Part Two
– Presenting the complete transcript of the unedited testimony of Walter E. Disney.
Walt Battles the Communists: Part One
– Jim looks back on a dark time in American – and Disney – history.
Was the Real Walt Disney Shown on PBS?
– Jim looks at the guy they called ‘Walt Disney’ on ‘The American Experience.’