– A critique of the latest film in the MCU
Disney Entertainment
The Original Dumbo
Gus Lopez, Renowned Star Wars Collector, Talks Disney and Galaxy’s Edge
– An interview with Gus Lopez to discuss the Star Wars land and the collector’s landscape
Incredibles in the Age of Super Heroes
– A review of The Incredibles 2 and a look back at its history.
A Star Wars Comics Discussion
– An overview of the Star Wars comics that are currently being published.
Han Solo and the Runaway Trailers
– The new trailers for Solo: A Star Wars Story show a fun direction for the spin-off movie, with a bit of Western influence
Star Wars: How to be Spoiler-Free
– Todd King also looks at Empire Strikes Back spoilers from 1980
Rey’s Lightsaber
– Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber is now offically Rey’s? Lucasfilm says so. Fans aren’t so sure.
Time for Star Wars to Go Rogue
– What is awesome, crazy, and different about the upcoming spin-off?
What could Virtual Reality bring to Star Wars and Disney Parks?
– With the release of the new Rogue One trailer comes bits of news of Virtual Reality being used in the coming Star Wars land. But what could that possibly mean?